4 New Stores in April


In April 2020, XIMIVOGUE has opened 4 new stores in Brunei, India and western Asia.


This new XIMIVOGUE store is easy to find in Tutong! It is located in an ideal place in an open-air shopping center. Great customer flow and purchase power can be ensured.

Brunei new store


India also welcomed a new XIMIVOGUE store, where a great number of products were appealing.

India new store

Western Asia

Two new stores in western Asia were very popular since its opening. Occupying prominent locations, these two stores successfully attracted crowds. Comfortable environment along with Korean-styled products won reputation from consumers.

Western Asia new stores

Nowadays, XIMIVOGUE has opened over 1600 stores worldwide. There are over 7000 products in 8 categories! XIMIVOGUE, always dedicates to meet your different needs!

Here are 4 steps to open a XIMIVOGUE store:

01. Apply: complete online application, get a reply from XIMIVOGUE.

02. Visit: visit store nearby or visit company/store/warehouse in XIMIVOGUE headquarters.

03. Sign: sign the agreement online or offline.

04. Open: open XIMIVOGUE store, get long-term service & support.

Media Contact

Email: info@ximiso.com

Phone: +86-20-66600099

Website: https://www.ximiso.com

