Enormous Opportunities for Offline Retail


Nowadays, many traditional retail companies have concentrated on online business instead of offline ones. It seems that offline retail is facing a challenge.

However, there are still enormous opportunities for offline retail.

A prime reason is due to the experience. Physical retail creates a real shopping scene for consumers, where they can touch and feel the real goods.

Another reason shall be attributed to the on-site service. Offline retail stores are rich in offering face-to-face guidance to consumers, which is a welcomed way for consumers. Accordingly, deepened experience and service are good for enhancing the competitiveness of offline retail. 

Previous traditional companies usually transfer the costs to consumers, owners and suppliers as well. The online business therefore emerged and became a trend.

But in fact, offline retailers still have absolute dominance in essence and creativity. For consumers, real products are far more attractive than that online. They can feel and know more about the products in physical stores. What’s more, shopping environment and services in physical stores are value-added factors. 

The core competition between online and offline retail is exactly that on value, which includes price, service, experience and something else. To keep its competitiveness, offline retail shall make good use of online promotion to further promote the products.

Besides, consumer demands on functions, design as well as experience shall also be taken into account. 

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