How Can XIMIVOGUE Open Thousands of Global Stores


The shocks from online shops as well as various costs apply pressure to physical stores. Nowadays, physical stores have faced poor performance or even collapse.

However, XIMIVOGUE, as an international fast fashion franchise brand, stands out from many physical stores and achieve great performance.

So far, XIMIVOGUE has opened more than 1600 global stores in 86 countries and regions. Its success experience is useful for many enterprises operating physical stores.

Good layout and design

The layout of XIMIVOGUE franchise stores are all well designed and maximize the use of space. Products are well arranged according to their with different sizes, colors and materials. They are all of the local characteristics.

Affordable price

The product pricing for XIMIVOGUE is normally between $1 to $10, which makes the products both affordable and cost-effective.

Large-scale production and inexpensive price ensure both the supply and low cost for franchisees.

Further, XIMIVOGUE has developed over 800 new products monthly, all with high quality, which has been highly appreciated by global consumers.

High-quality products

XIMIVOGUE has covered over 7000 products in mainly 8 categories. They vary from household items, makeups, toys and other daily stuff to satisfy consumers. XIMIVOGUE, aims at delivering happiness and surprise to global consumers!

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