How to Keep Away From Pandemic


Pandemic occurred in 2020 is a SARS-like thing which has been labeled a pandemic by World Health Organization (WHO). At present, hundreds of countries and regions have been affected by this on an unprecedented scale.

A set of measures have been implemented by governments and people. This article will focus on how to keep away from the SARS-like pandemic from the perspective of personnel.

1. Do not eat wild animals

Several results indicated that wild animals meats transmit certain bad things to human beings. Therefore, stopping eating them and keep healthy diets.

2. Wear masks

Given the fact that SARS-like pandemic is mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets and contacts with infected objects, protective medical or surgical masks are very useful.

3. Use tissues or masks instead of bare hands

Cover our nose or mouth with bare hands are dangerous when sneeze and cough occurred. In this case, tissues or masks are needed.

4. Keep the immune system strong

Keep ourselves away from crowded areas or close engagement with people. Do more exercises and have a normal routine.

5. Drink more water

It is also necessary for us to drink enough water every day. Water helps to flush bad materials down to our stomachs.


6. Pay attention to our health

When we have cough, fever, shortness of breath or other similar symptoms for SARS-like pandemic, seek medical help immediately.

7. Wash hands

Wash hands is one of the most effective ways to protect both ourselves and others.

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