Key Points for Physical Store Image Improvement


When it comes to some of the traditional department stores with small sizes, people may have impressions of low prices, bad image and quality. However, fast fashion franchise stores at present are no longer in that way but with fashion design, high quality and affordable prices to meet the demands among youth.

Here are some determinants for improving physical fast fashion stores image.

Product categorization is one of the key points. For example, XIMIVOGUE, as a leading international fast fashion franchise brand, carefully categorized its products into 8 aspects, which enables consumers to select their goods in an easy and convenient way. For consumers, more time could be spent in the products themselves and stimulate consumption to a certain extent.

Another point is shelf design. Shelves should be attentively choose according to product features. Take XIMIVOGUE as an example, its products are well displayed to ensure the best effects. For dolls with light weight, cabinet shelves are best choices while as to ornaments with small sizes, display them on lower shelves is better.

Product interval also plays an important role in guaranteeing accessibility, customer experience and product original positions as well.


There exists connections among products. Therefore, product combinations, flat and 3D presentations are useful for attracting consumers as well as improve sales. Products with similar tones, prices and categories are easily to catch eyes.

The above key point for fast fashion store image improvement shall be changed in accordance with the ever-changing consumption demands so as to keep its popularity under intense competition.

Here are only 4 steps to open a XIMIVOGUE store:

01. Apply: complete online application, get a reply from XIMIVOGUE.

02. Visit: visit store nearby or visit company/store/warehouse in XIMIVOGUE headquarters.

03. Sign: sign the agreement online or offline.

04. Open: open XIMIVOGUE store, get long-term service & support.

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