New Store in Thailand


A toast to the grand opening of XIMIVOGUE’s new store in Chiang Mai, Thailand! Sending our best wishes for its prosperity from this day forward!

Nowadays, the fast fashion industry is running at a fast speed all over the world. It also expands very fast in Thailand.

XIMIVOGUE new store in Thailand


Available in a lot of shopping malls and even sidewalks, fast fashion stores are one of the major contributors to the economy of Thailand.


Fast fashion daily goods that consumers choose to match up with their identity, personality, and mood certainly make them more stylish and confident. This provides a great opportunity for XIMIVOGUE, which is an international fast-fashion franchise brand that keeps pace with the latest trends and accurately reflects the spirits of youth.


With 10 main categories of fast-moving consumer goods, XIMIVOGUE provides a wide range of popular daily goods in a cost-effective manner. 

Wide range of fast fashion products


This new store in Chiang Mai understands well the lifestyle of the local customers, which helps to create a great emotional bond between the consumers and XIMIVOGUE.


With its cozy shopping environment and affordable products, this new store has successfully enhanced the loyalty of the consumers and brand awareness of XIMIVOGUE. This new store attracted the visitors around and achieved a good sales performance on its opening. 


Follow the below steps to get franchise opportunities from XIMIVOGUE right now!


01. Apply: complete the online application, get a reply from XIMIVOGUE.

02. Visit: visit a store nearby or visit the company/store/warehouse in XIMIVOGUE headquarters.

03. Sign: sign the agreement online or offline.

04. Open: open XIMIVOGUE store, get long-term service & support.

Media Contact


Phone: +86-20-66600099


