Tools to Perfect Your Eyelashes


Attractive eyelashes are a quick-easy way to amplify our eyes. They are often regarded as an emphasis on beauty.


Whether we fancy our eyelashes to look fluffy, wispy, or long and full, there are several tools and supplies in our kit that play important roles in the quality of our work.


To be a successful eyelash artist, here are some tools you can use to make your work easy and effective.


01 Eyelashes applicator


Eyelashes can totally change a makeup look. An eyelash applicator specifically designed for eyelash application helps us apply with ease.


With a handle and a thin tip, it is perfect to grab delicate items like false lashes by applying an eyelash applicator. Besides, an eyelash applicator has a smaller chance of injuring our eyes. It is ergonomically correct, meaning it is comfortable. 

False Eyelashes Applicator


What is more, it has a flat, soft, and rounded edge, which helps squeeze our natural eyelashes into the fake ones ideally.


Apply your falsies like a pro with this eyelash applicator from XIMIVOGUE. It is easy to use and gives our eyelashes a great natural-looking finish.


02 Eyelash curler


What is the difference between straight, limp eyelashes and voluminous, lifted ones? An eyelash curler, of course!

Mini Curl Eyelash Curling


The portable, ergonomic design of this eyelash curler from XIMIVOGUE makes it perfect to curl and lift eyelashes and appear fuller and more defined. Even short and tiny eyelashes are easy to get.


If you are someone who loves falsies, this eyelash curler is great for clamping and blending your natural eyelashes with fake ones.


03 False eyelash


Whether you are looking for something to go full-on glam, or prefer something subtle, false eyelashes are a quick and easy way to amplify your eyes and turn up your look. 

Curly False Eyelashes(20 Pairs)1#


Few things can boost your self-confidence as quickly as a good pair of false eyelashes. Whether you fancy your eyelashes to look wispy, fluffy, long, or full, false eyelashes can add the perfect finishing touch to your makeup look. 

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