XIMIVOGUE New Store in Jakarta


Congratulations on the grand opening of XIMIVOGUE’s new store in Jakarta, Indonesia!


Talking about a popular city in Indonesia, Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia will come first to mind. As a representation of Indonesia, Jakarta is the largest city in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Additionally, it serves as the diplomatic capital of ASEAN and ranks first among the Indonesian states in the human development index. 

XIMIVOGUE new store in Jakarta


There is no doubt that Jakarta enjoys great business opportunities and high living standards. That is why it attracts migrants and visitors from all over the world.


Since its entering into the Indonesian market in 2020, XIMIVOGUE now has opened 7 stores in Indonesia, with a plan to open more in the near future.  

Well-received XIMIVOGUE products


Benefiting from its strategic plan, this new store is ideally located in a very popular large shopping center, which is famous for the trendy elements favored by the youth. This is exactly highly relevant to XIMIVOGUE’s major consumer groups and has a great consuming ability.


One of the brightest spots in the opening ceremony is the attendance of Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan. Together with the good preparation and network broadcast, this store successfully adds a competitive edge and increased consumer inclination. 

Popular XIMIVOGUE new store


Up to now, XIMIVOGUE has expanded its franchise business in 93 countries and regions, with over 1700 stores globally. It covers 10 main categories of FMCGs to satisfy the very needs of global consumers and aims at creating a valuable lifestyle.


Are you interested in investing in a XIMIVOGUE franchise store? Just follow the below steps to join us now!


01. Apply: complete the online application, get a reply from XIMIVOGUE.

02. Visit: visit a store nearby or visit the company/store/warehouse in XIMIVOGUE headquarters.

03. Sign: sign the agreement online or offline.

04. Open: open XIMIVOGUE store, get long-term service & support.

Media Contact

Email: info@ximiso.com

Phone: +86-15902076516

Website: https://www.ximiso.com

